ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

The key to the Behavioral patterns is the allocation of responsibilities through either

inheritance or object composition. First, only theTemplatedesign pattern in this sec-

tion actually distributes responsibilities through inheritance. It’s a simple pattern

using an abstract class for the general outline of an algorithm, with the subclasses

taking up the more detailed aspects. Second, and far more common among Behav-

ioral patterns, is the use of object composition to allocate and distribute responsibili-

ties. TheCommand,Observer,StateandStrategypatterns all employ the object

composition for distribution of tasks among the patterns classes and objects.

Chapter 7,Command Pattern
Chapter 8,Observer Pattern
Chapter 9,Template Method Pattern
Chapter 10,State Pattern
Chapter 11,Strategy Pattern

Figure Part IV-1. Behavioral patterns allocate responsibilities


Behavioral Patterns


Responsibility Responsibility Responsibility

Responsibility Responsibility Responsibility


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