ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

286 | Chapter 8: Observer Pattern

of an abstract class or an interface instead of a class. What does that really mean,


The easiest way to understand this concept is to think of the methods in either an

abstract class or interface asinterfaces. An interface is a set of functions an object

implements. Eric and Elisabeth Freeman (Head First Design Patterns) suggest that we

think of the properties in either an abstract class or interface assupertypes. It turns

out that the actual practice of programming to an interface has many different

approaches, but to see the basic concept, consider the following set of scripts,

Example 8-1 through Example 8-6. Example 8-1 through Example 8-4 set up an

interface, and Example 8-5 and Example 8-6 implement it. Be sure to save the files all

in the same folder.

Example 8-1.

interface SpaceWarrior
function useWeapon( ):void;

Example 8-2.

public class Alien implements SpaceWarrior
function Alien( )
public function useWeapon( ):void

Example 8-3.

public class Earthling implements SpaceWarrior
function Earthling( )

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