ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

320 | Chapter 8: Observer Pattern

In the concrete observer file, you may have noticed that two different interfaces were

implemented—ObserverandDataOut. The former implements theupdate( )function

that calls theoutToDesign( )function from theDataOutinterface. Also, instead of

void, theoutToDesign( )function returns an Array. Note that the array data is stored

in the variabledataNow and returned through theoutToDesign( ) method.

The Data Design Classes

The classes invoked for the three different data displays require close attention. Keep

in mind that the array for all three classes is the array that returns the value for the four

quarters. All three classes use the same array name,listArray, to help you remember

that the data are all coming from the same subject. The displays may be different, but

the data coming into each object through subscription as an observer is identical.

UIList component

TheUIListcomponent needs a copy placed in the Library of the Flash document file

(FLA file) that you’ll use to launch the application. So, before going on, open a new

Flash document file and save it asDoDesign.flain the same directory as the rest of

the files for this application. Once you have your document file open and saved, use

Example 8-24.

//Concrete Observer
class ConcreteObserver implements Observer,DataOut
private var dataNow:Array;
private var q1:Number,q2:Number,q3:Number,q4:Number;
public function ConcreteObserver( )
public function outToDesign( ):Array
return dataNow;
public function update(q1:Number,q2:Number,q3:Number,q4:
dataNow=new Array(q1,q2,q3,q4);
outToDesign( );

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