ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

324 | Chapter 8: Observer Pattern

Figure 8-8 shows what the bar chart looks like when values have been assigned to it.

Once drawn, a graphic does not automatically clear the stage when a new chart

replaces it. Theclear( )method simply clears current memory, but not the stage. To

clear the stage, you need to useremoveChild( ). That requires an added child. So in

the main program, we used a flag to make sure that a graphic element had been

added, and then on the next data set, the flag’s cleared and the first drawing


The line graph

The line graph has the same issues with having proportionate points for drawing

lines as the bar chart has for making rectangles. Fortunately, they’re solved in the

same way. An added feature in the line graph is some kind of background grid to

give some better sense to the lines showing on the screen. The lines, without some

kind of grid, just look like disembodied lines floating in space. So in addition to pro-

viding a drawing system to draw lines in the right positions, this class includes a

background grid. Following the dictum of information designer Edward Tufte, the

grid employs the minimum effective difference, so we used a thin light gray line. The

line graph uses a wider blue line, so while the grid provides a context for the line

graph, it doesn’t get in the way. Open up a new ActionScript file and enter the code

in Example 8-27, using the caption as the filename.


Figure 8-8. Bar chart

Example 8-27.

//Line graph maker
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.Shape;

Example 8-26. (continued)

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