ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

326 | Chapter 8: Observer Pattern

Figure 8-9 shows the line graph superimposed on the background grid.

If you ever need to have superimposed line graphs to show change or for compari-

sons, you can set up the main programnotto use theremoveChild( )function for

redrawing a graph.

Pulling All the Elements Together

With 10 different files, pulling them all together in a main class may seem daunting.

However, as you’ll see, the task is actually simplified. The classes handle most of the

grunt-work, and all you need to do is use them.

The most important feature in theDataDesignclass is the data entry in the form of

input text fields. As in the space battle example, the different text fields are placed

into array elements. However, instead of using the text fields for data display, these

text fields are used for data entry. Values entered into the text fields are converted to

numbers, and passed to numeric variables. The numeric variables are sent to a con-

crete subject object, and the setter method establishes them as the current values. In

turn, these values are sent out to the concrete observers in an array that’s used in dis-

playing the data. Open a new ActionScript file, enter the code in Example 8-28, and

save it as the caption name.

//Draw the graph (2,0x0000cc); (50,(position-ln1)); (100,(position-ln2)); (150,(position-ln3)); (200,(position-ln4));

addChild (line);

Figure 8-9. Line graph

Example 8-27. (continued)

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