ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

330 | Chapter 8: Observer Pattern


The real test for a design pattern is its flexibility. As you saw in the examples in this

chapter, very little was changed in theSubjectorObserverclasses. When the task of

a design pattern is to distribute state changes to a number of different subscribed

observers, you can see that many different kinds of specific applications can use this

pattern. Because of this feature, its flexibility, and relative simplicity, the Observer

design pattern is seen in many different applications.

Equally important, the Observer shows how to program to an interface and not an

implementation. Example 8-1 and Example 8-11 clearly illustrate this process. Each

concrete observer is typed as the supertype (interface)Observer. However, also note

that in some cases where the Observer pattern is put to work, you can’t type an

implementation to a supertype, as you may have noted in Example 8-19. This

doesn’t mean that the example’s invalid; it simply shows that in some designs using

the Observer, when you attempt to program to the interface, you run into problems

because of the characteristics of the interface and its implementation. As a result,

such cases require you to create instances by typing them as implementations.

When thinking about where you can use the Observer pattern, consider situations

where you have some key states that must be sent to different instances. The most

useful implementation is where the exact same information needs to be sent to differ-

ent data display or interpretations. In this way, the application ensures that the exact

same state information is sent without having to generate separate data sources.

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