ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1
Key OOP Concepts Used with the Template Method | 337

Consider Variation

When selecting a design pattern, developers are advised toconsider what should vary

in a design. Here the emphasis changes from fretting over what causes redesign to

considering what you want to change. In the Template Method design pattern,the

template method encapsulates the different parts that go into the main algorithm. Each

abstract operation in the template method varies in the context of the algorithm.

Because the function’s locked, the sequence of operations doesn’t change, but the

operations themselves do. Hence, the design pattern principle ofencapsulating what

variesis nicely illustrated in the Template Method design pattern.

The Hollywood Principle

The casting director tells the actors who have tried out for a part, “We’ll let you

know, but don’t call us. We’ll call you.” The Template Method design pattern mir-

rors this: the template method itself is in the parent class, and the parent class calls

the subclasses. More specifically, the template method can call 1) concrete opera-

tions, 2) concrete operations from the main abstract class (where the template

method is defined), 3) primitive operations, 4) factory method (see Chapter 2), and

  1. hooks. However, these lower level objects cannot call the parent classes.

Because the GoF discuss only the Hollywood Principle in their Template Method

chapter, we considered whether this “principle” applies to all design patterns or just

certain ones with inverted control structures. If you go back to Chapter 2 and look at

the Factory Method, and Chapter 8 on the Observer pattern, you will see the princi-

ple at work as well. For example, the inverted control structure in the Observer pat-

tern informs all the relevant state changes to the subscribing objects. The

information flows from the top down to the lower level objects.

So, what’s the purpose of the principle? What does it do for reusable code? Eric and

Elisabeth Freeman summed it up nicely as a way to preventdependency rot. In other

words, it reduces the dependencies of higher-level components on lower-level com-

ponents and all their related dependencies. That’s a good thing because your system

is clearer to work with and understand. Figure 9-3 illustrates this principle.

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