ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1
Minimalist Example: Abstract Template Method | 339

Looking at theAbstractClassyou can see that the main algorithm is encapsulated in

thetemplateMethod( )function. Thefinalstatement indicates that the method is

locked up and cannot be changed by the subclasses. However, all that really means is

that theordercannot be changed by the subclasses. Both theprimitiveA( )and

primitiveB( )functions, which make up thetemplateMethod( ),are abstract. They

are awaiting the details from the subclasses. So while thetemplateMethod( )is locked,

the operations that go into it don’t have to be, and can be changed by the subclasses.

At the same time, if you want any of the operations that make up the template

method to be locked, you can do that as well. The functionfromTemplate( )is locked

in the same way as the main template method. As part of thetemplateMethod( )func-

tion, thefromTemplate( )operation cannot be changed by anoverridestatement as

the two abstract function can. So you can have the best of both worlds. Those opera-

fromTemplate( );
protected function primitiveA( ):void
//Awaiting instructions
protected function primitiveB( ):void
//Awaiting instructions
private final function fromTemplate( ):void
trace("Hello everybody!");

Example 9-2.

//Any concrete class
public class ConcreteClass extends AbstractClass
trace("Concrete class");
override protected function primitiveA( ):void
trace("Special A");
override protected function primitiveB( ):void
trace("Special B");

Example 9-1. (continued)

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