ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1
Employing Flexibility in the Template Method | 343

In both concrete classes, atrace( )statement indicates which class is instantiated so

that you can see it in the output. More importantly, each of the two concrete classes

adds unique details to the two abstract operations, doDesign( ) and

determineSupplies( ). Neither includes anything regarding thestoreTools( )func-

tion. BecausestoreTools( )is invariant in all implementations, there’s no reason to

include it. It’s inherited from theShedMaker class.

To test it, both concrete classes are instantiated in the same testing class,BuildShed.

Example 9-7 shows that the two different instances use the interface data type to

instantiate thewoodandsteelinstances. Save the file using the example caption

name in the same directory as Examples 9-4 to 9-6.

Example 9-6.

class SteelShed extends ShedMaker
override protected function doDesign( ):void
trace("Designing Steel Shed");
override protected function determineSupplies( ):void
trace("Ok I'll need some corregated sheet metal.")
trace("Better get some steel fasteners too.");

Example 9-7.

import flash.display.Sprite;
public class BuildShed extends Sprite
public function BuildShed( )
//Make a steel shed
var steel:ShedMaker=new SteelShed( );
steel.templateMethod( );

//Make a wood shed
var wood:ShedMaker=new WoodShed( );
wood.templateMethod( );

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