ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1
Selecting and Playing Sound and Video | 345

ActionScript file, copy the contents of Example 9-8, and save it using the caption

name for the filename.

The template method is namedmediaProducer( ), and it orders the three operations,

selectMedia( ),playNow( ), andfromMediaDesign( ). In the concrete classes, details are

added to the selection and play operations, but thefromMediaDesign( )function is all

set to go, and requires no further details or reference.

Example 9-8.

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import flash.text.TextFormat;

//Abstract Class
class VidAudio extends Sprite
private var mText:TextField;

//Template method
public final function mediaProducer ( ):void
selectMedia ( );
playNow ( );
fromMediaDesign ( );
protected function selectMedia ( ):void
//Awaiting instructions
protected function playNow ( ):void
//Awaiting instructions
private final function fromMediaDesign ( ):void
mText=new TextField( );
mText.text="Welcome to Template Media!";
addChild (mText);
var pos:Number=mText.length;
mText.x= 200-(pos/2);

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