ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

346 | Chapter 9: Template Method Pattern

Not-So-Concrete Concrete Classes

The next step is to add a couple of concrete classes for selecting between video and

audio. First, both need to have some kind of selection, and rather than adding a real-

istic operation for selecting a video or audio file dynamically, both concrete classes

just add a literal. That’s pretty simple, but it illustrates the concept of adding neces-

sary details to the operations. Feel free to change the operation to accept dynamic

input. The play operations instantiate instances to play whatever names have been

placed in the string for the media file. Open up two more ActionScript files and add

Example 9-9 and Example 9-10 to the same folder as the abstract classes using the

caption names for the filenames.

Example 9-9.

//A concrete class
//Vid class
public class Vid extends VidAudio
private var vidName:String;
override protected function selectMedia ( ):void
override protected function playNow ( ):void
var playVideo=new PlayVideo(vidName);
this.addChild (playVideo);

Example 9-10.

//A concrete class
//Audio Class
public class Audio extends VidAudio
private var tuneName:String;
override protected function selectMedia ( ):void
override protected function playNow ( ):void
var playTune:PlayTune=new PlayTune(tuneName);

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