ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1
Selecting and Playing Sound and Video | 349

In setting up the video play, not only did we create a play trigger, we also added

functions for cleaning up after the play was complete, and a way to extract duration

metadata from the video file being played. That makes the class much handier for

use in other applications. In both the video and audio classes, the extension names

were added so that all the user needs is a media name without an extension.

Playing the Media

Finally, the application needs a user interface to choose between playing sounds or

video. It needs functions to call one of two of the concrete template method classes

and some functions to put the interface buttons where they’re needed. Open a new

ActionScript file and enter Example 9-13 code, saving the file using the caption name.

Be sure to save it in the same folder as the other files that make up the application.

Example 9-13. PlayMedia .as

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;

public class PlayMedia extends Sprite
var videoButton:VideoButton;
var tuneButton:TuneButton;

public function PlayMedia ( ):void
doButton ( );
//Get the buttons out of the library and put them on display
private function doButton ( ):void
tuneButton=new TuneButton( );
videoButton=new VideoButton( );
addChild (tuneButton);
addChild (videoButton);
(1.5*tuneButton.width)), tuneButton.y=30;
videoButton.x=((stage.stageWidth/2)+5), videoButton.y=30;

//Invoke the template method (mediaProducer) for the video
private function getVideo (e:MouseEvent):void
var vidUp:VidAudio=new Vid( );

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