ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1
Hooking It Up | 351

Hooking It Up

Controlling subclass extensions is one use for the Template Method. In discussing

applicability, the originators of the design pattern concepts (GoF) include what they

call a “hook” operation. The hook operation is placed into the template method to

allow extensions to the hook in the main algorithm.

For ActionScript 3.0 programmers, hook functions look exactly like the abstract

functions. That’s because ActionScript 3.0 has no real abstract functions, so we have

to keep in mind that the difference between hook operations and abstract ones is

that hook operationscanbe overridden, while abstraction operationsmustbe over-

ridden. This is where comment lines come in handy, as the following script shows:

//Abstract function
function doAbstract( ):void {}

//Hook function
function doHook( ):void {}

Neither the abstract function nor the hook function has to have any content. How-

ever, each is set up differently, and adding content to the hook operation provides a

way of setting up default conditions.

Figure 9-5. Video and tune player application

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