ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1
Key OOP Concepts Used with the Strategy Pattern | 401

function balloonAnimals( ) {
//balloon animal code

class Bojo extends Clown {
//Bojo unique

class Koka extends Clown {
//Koka unique

All the algorithms for juggling and making balloon animals are placed in the Clown

class. They’re passed on to the specific subclasses via inheritance. That works fine as

long as all the clowns can perform all the tricks. But what happens if one of the

clowns doesn’t know how to make balloon animals or juggle? Or what about a new

act being added? What will happen then?

So now, let’s encapsulate the algorithms in a Strategy object.

Encapsulated algorithms (pseudocode)

interface ClownTricks {
function someTrick( ): void;
class Juggle implements ClownTricks {
function someTrick( ): void {
//Juggling algorithm
class BalloonAnimals implements ClownTricks {
function someTrick( ): void {
//Making balloon animal algorithm

Now, using theClownclass as an aggregator, the program can delegate requests for

the different algorithms to the concreteClownsubclasses. If new tricks are intro-

duced, just implement them from theClownTricksinterface and use them as dele-

gates to theClownsubclasses that want to use them. (The actual application using

these concepts begins with Example 11-6.)

The encapsulated algorithms aren’t going to be very useful unless some object can

employ them. This is where delegation comes in, as you’ll see in the next section.

Using Delegation and Delegates

The Strategy design pattern is a perfect example of delegation. In delegation, two

objects are involved in handling a single request. One of the objects receives the

request and then delegates operations to adelegate. This is exactly what transpires

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