ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1
Adding More Concrete Strategies and Concrete Contexts | 407

Notice that each clown can perform only a single trick and a single skit. We’ll have

to reconsider how to set up our strategies, or see if we can find a way to dynamically

add features later. For now, though, the clowns can choose only a single trick or skit.

The Trick Interface and Implementations

All the algorithms for doing tricks are encapsulated in the concrete strategy sub-

classes. TheTricksinterface (Example 11-9) provides the abstract method, and the

subclasses add detail to the operations. A total of three trick algorithms (Examples

11-10, 11-11, and 11-12) are implemented.

skits.skit( );

Example 11-7.

class Koka extends Clown
public function Koka( )
tricks = new Disappear( );
skits = new Chase( );

Example 11-8.

class Bojo extends Clown
public function Bojo( )
tricks = new BaloonAnimals( );
skits = new FallDown( );

Example 11-9.


Example 11-6. (continued)

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