ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1
Adding More Concrete Strategies and Concrete Contexts | 409

site extreme in that it would require a clown to do everything, even if he could only

do two of the tricks.

The Skits Interface and Implementations

TheSkitsinterface (Example 11-13) and its implemented classes (Examples 11-14

and 11-15) are set up exactly the same as theTricksclass and its implementations. It

also has the same limitations.

Example 11-13.

//Skits Interface
interface Skits
function skit( ):void;

Example 11-14.

//Falls down a ladder
public class FallDown implements Skits
public function skit( ):void
trace("I'm climbing up this ladder!")
trace("Where's my banana peel?")
trace("Whoaaaa! I'm falling!!")
trace("Thanks for finding my banana peel!\n")

Example 11-15.

//Clowns chase each other
public class Chase implements Skits
public function skit( ):void
trace("Here I come! I'm going to get you!")
trace("Nah! Nah! Can't catch me!\n")

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