ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

412 | Chapter 11: Strategy Pattern

Adding a new trick

Just as adding a new concrete context class in a Strategy pattern is easy, so too is

adding a new concrete strategy. Save Example 11-19 using the caption name as the

filename. The new script is indistinguishable from any of the other concrete strate-

gies except for the name of the class and the content in thetrick method.

Revising clown college

To see both how easy it is to add new elements to the application and to dynami-

cally add new strategies to a concrete context class, theClownCollegeclass is revised

(bold text). First, the new concrete clown class,Bubbles, is instantiated and the two

existing delegation methods launch the operations to display the skit and tricks.

Then, the clown instance uses the newsetTrick( )method to add the new trick to its

repertoire. Finally, thedoTrick( )method is launched a second time to display the

new trick. Save Example 11-20 using the caption name for the filename.

Example 11-18.

class Bubbles extends Clown
trace(" =>Bubbles<= ");
public function Bubbles( )
tricks=new Juggle( );
skits = new FallDown( );

Example 11-19.

class BubblePants implements Tricks
public function trick( ):void
trace("Woo woo woo! Bubbles are coming out of my pants!\n");

Example 11-20.

import flash.display.Sprite;

public class ClownCollege extends Sprite

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