ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1
Summary | 423


After examining some applications using the Strategy design pattern, you can see the

scope of possibilities for it as a design pattern. It’s certainly a showcase for good

OOP practices. Perhaps most obvious is how it uses composition instead of inherit-

ance to develop and use the algorithms. However, it still uses the basic OOP feature

ofinheritance in its concrete context classes.

Furthermore, you can clearly seepolymorphismin the variety of ways the different

strategies are implemented. Each of the interfaces demonstratesabstractionalong

with the main context class. All the strategiesencapsulatean algorithm, and each

serves as a delegate to another class. So there you have it, the four basic elements of

good OOP:

  • Inheritance

  • Polymorphism

  • Abstraction

  • Encapsulation

As we saw in this chapter in the section on the key OOP practices, the Strategy

design pattern demonstrates several other good OOP practices in addition to the


So, while we believe that the Strategy design pattern certainly demonstrates funda-

mental OOP practices, it’s still a distinct design pattern. Ironically, this fact is most

obvious when you compare it to the State design pattern—the pattern it’s often

accused of duplicating. The State pattern encapsulates states and state contexts, and

the Strategy pattern encapsulates algorithms. Both have different intents but these

intentions are masked by the almost identical class diagrams. Only when you under-

stand and use each one do the differences manifest themselves. As these differences

become clear, you can see the actual use of the State and Strategy patterns as solu-

tions to different kinds of problems. Since the definition of design patterns is that of

design solution to recurring problems, we can see that the Strategy design pattern

clearly meets this fundamental criterion.

Figure 11-5. Output from TestStringStrategy

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