ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1
Minimalist Example of an MVC Pattern | 433

TheModel class extends theEventDispatcher class that already implements the

IEventDispatcher interface. Note the dispatchEvent( ) function call within the

setKey( )method. This sends aCHANGEevent to all registered observers when the

value oflastKeyPressed is changed within thesetKey( ) method.

Controller as a Concrete Strategy in a Strategy Pattern

The relationship between the controller and view is that of strategy and context in a

strategy pattern. Each controller will be a concrete strategy implementing a required

behavior defined in a strategy interface.

The controller

For our minimalist example, the behavior required of the controller is to handle a

key press event.IKeyboardInputHandleris the strategy interface (Example 12-3), and

defines a single method calledkeyPressHandler( ).

The concrete controller is theControllerclass (Example 12-4) that implements the

IKeyboardInputHandler interface.

private var lastKeyPressed:uint = 0;

public function setKey(key:uint):void
this.lastKeyPressed = key;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE)); // dispatch event

public function getKey( ):uint
return lastKeyPressed;

Example 12-3.


public interface IKeyboardInputHandler
function keyPressHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void

Example 12-2. (continued)

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