ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

446 | Chapter 12: Model-View-Controller Pattern

Note theupdate( )method in theModelclass shown in Example 12-13. It dispatches

aCHANGEevent to registered observers. Theupdate( )method is called whenever the

application state changes.

As a developer, you may be tempted to store the region list in the view for simplic-

ity. However, this greatly reduces flexibility and reuse. Adding another region, for

example, would require changes to both the view and the model. It’s always a good

practice to adhere to the delineated responsibilities of the three MVC elements.

Application data should be accessible only through the model.

The Controller

The combo bo xview is the only interface element in the application that users can

control. The interface for the corresponding controller is shown in Example 12-14.

The implementation is show in Example 12-15.

public function getRegion( ):uint
return this.chosenRegion;

public function setRegion(index:uint):void
this.chosenRegion = index;
this.update( );

public function getMapURL( ):String
return this.aImageURLs[chosenRegion];

protected function update( ):void
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE)); // dispatch event

Example 12-14.

public interface ICompInputHandler
function compChangeHandler(index:uint):void

Example 12-13. (Model for the weather map example) (continued)

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