ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

474 | Chapter 13: Symmetric Proxy Pattern

Key Features

Most of the key features of the Symmetric Proxy pattern have been described, but

there are a few more. In this section we’ll summarize:

  • A player interface that includes move-taking, move display, and outcome methods

  • A referee class based on a Template Method for determining game outcome

  • Synchronizing cell between the UI and player

  • Mirrored referee, proxy and player objects

Having discussed the player interface and referee concepts, we are left with two key

elements to discuss before going on to look at key OOP concepts in this design pat-

tern. First, we need to take a closer look at the synchronizing cell, and where the cell

goes in the overall scheme of things. Second, we need to look more closely at the

concept of a proxy object.

The cell

Heliotis and Schreiner refer to the cell in their design as a monitored single-element

queue placed between the player object and the graphical elements. In most cases,

the graphical elements would be the UI. In looking at the sequence diagram for par-

allel turn taking, the cells are placed between the proxy players, one for each player.

For simultaneous turns, two cells are used; one for each player making a move at the

same time.

Looking at the code used by Heliotis and Schreiner, an alternative implementation

came to mind in the form of a remote shared object available through Flash Media

Server 2 (FMS2). The shared object could act as the synchronizing mechanism, ensur-

ing that both sides had the same information at the same time. As soon as either

player entered a move, it would immediately be available to the proxy object as a

move. The “cell” itself would be in the player in a function waiting for both sides to

move. In effect, the synchronizing role of the cell has been taken over by the shared

object. Setting the move in a shared object would fall to a FMS2 server-side script.

The proxy

Because using FMS2 takes care of the synchronizing problems and is immediately

available to connected clients through a client-side method, we end up with a situa-

tion where we have to ask whether we really need a separate object for the proxies.

Instead of creating four player objects, would it be possible to create two? Each

player object, based on a common interface, would contain both the real player and

the proxy player. This is an androgynous variation of the Symmetric Proxy design

pattern, but conceptually, it’s virtually identical. Figure 13-4 shows an object dia-

gram of this variation.

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