ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

498 | Chapter 13: Symmetric Proxy Pattern


The Symmetrical Proxy design pattern represents the kinds of experiments with

design patterns envisioned by Gamma and his associates when they wroteDesign

Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. James Heliotis and Axel

Schreiner’s key insight is that two sides of a game over the Internet can be played on

a client using symmetrical referees and each side pitting a local player against the

proxy of an opponent. This is not an isolated solution to any single game, but rather

any games played over a network.

Our particular implementation of the design pattern used Flash Media Server 2 to

send the moves of each side to the other, and it’s doubtful whether Heliotis or

Schreiner had a clue about FMS2. Therein lies the strength of the design pattern.

Design patterns should represent general solutions to problems and not specific

implementations of a solution. Because of the flexibility of the Symmetrical Proxy

pattern, we were able to apply it using the Internet communication program of our

choosing, rather than one specified by the original designers.

By building in a proxy method into the interface and its implementations in the two

players, we were able to make changes to the general design that did not violate its

flexibility. This “androgynous” feature may have reduced the granularity of the

design and slightly enlarged the size of the main classes, but it remained within both

the structure and the spirit of the design pattern. Design patterns are general solu-

tions, and as long as the patterns meet the key criteria of flexibility and reusability

while maintaining good OOP practices, they can be implemented in an unlimited

number of ways.

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