97 Things Every Programmer Should Know

(Chris Devlin) #1

Collective Wisdom from the Experts 179

Everyone knows the adage “first make it work, then make it work fast” to avoid
the pitfalls of micro-optimization. But the preceding example would almost
make you believe that the programmer followed the Machiavellian adagio
“first make it work slowly.”

This thoughtlessness is something you may come across more than once. And
it is not just a “don’t reinvent the wheel” thing. Sometimes novice program-
mers just start typing away without really thinking, and suddenly they have
“invented” bubble sort. They may even be bragging about it.

The other side of choosing the right algorithm is the choice of data structure. It
can make a big difference: using a linked list for a collection of a million items
you want to search through—compared to a hashed data structure or a binary
tree—will have a big impact on the user’s appreciation of your programming.

Programmers should not reinvent the wheel, and should use existing libraries
where possible. But to be able to avoid problems like the bank’s, they should
also be educated about algorithms and how they scale. Is it just the eye candy
in modern text editors that makes them as slow as old-school programs like
WordStar in the 1980s? Many say reuse in programming is paramount. Above
all, however, programmers should know when, what, and how to reuse. To do
that, they should have knowledge of the problem domain and of algorithms
and data structures.

A good programmer should also know when to use an abominable algorithm.
For example, if the problem domain dictates that there can never be more
than five items (like the number of dice in a Yahtzee game), you know that you
always have to sort at most five items. In that case, bubble sort might actually
be the most efficient way to sort the items. Every dog has its day.

So, read some good books—and make sure you understand them. And if you
really read Donald Knuth’s The Art of Computer Programming (Addison-Wesley
Professional), well, you might even be lucky: find a mistake by the author, and
you’ll earn one of Don Knuth’s hexadecimal dollar ($2.56) checks.

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