97 Things Every Programmer Should Know

(Chris Devlin) #1

Contributors 197

Alex Miller

Alex Miller is a tech lead and engineer at Terracotta, Inc., the
makers of the open source Java clustering product Terracotta.
Prior to Terracotta, Alex worked at BEA Systems on the Aqua-
Logic product line, and was chief architect at MetaMatrix. His
interests include Java, concurrency, distributed systems, query languages, and
software design.

Alex enjoys writing his blog at http://tech.puredanger.com. Along with the
other members of the Terracotta team, he is a contributing author to the 2008
release The Definitive Guide to Terracotta (Apress). Alex is a frequent speaker
at user groups and conferences, and is the founder of the Strange Loop confer-
ence in St. Louis (http://thestrangeloop.com).

“Start from Yes,” page 154

Allan Kelly

Allan Kelly is an accomplished software engineer who now works
on the management side of development. He helps software
teams improve their performance and adopt Agile methods.
Based in London, he provides coaching, training, and consulting
to companies large and small.

He is a frequent contributor to journals and conferences and is the author of
Changing Software Development: Learning to Be Agile (John Wiley & Sons).
Allan holds a BSc degree in computing and an MBA in management. He is
currently working on a book of business strategy patterns for software compa-
nies. Find out more about Allan at http://www.allankelly.net.

“Check Your Code First Before Looking to Blame Others,” page 18
“Two Wrongs Can Make a Right (and Are Difficult to Fix),” page 172

Anders Norås

Anders Norås is a seasoned software developer and speaker. The
“enterpriseyness” of EJB drove him to Microsoft .NET back in

  1. He quickly made a name for himself in the Microsoft com-
    munity by using his Java experiences to get a head start on fellow
    developers. In 2006, he got reacquainted with his lost love—Java—and today he
    is a polyglot, combining the best of both worlds to build better software. Anders
    is the founder of the Quaere project and a contributor to a few open source proj-
    ects. He has given talks at many conferences and user group meetings and is

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