(^200) Contributors
Chuck Allison
Chuck Allison is an associate professor of computer science at
Utah Valley University. He spent the two previous decades as a
software engineer in the western U.S. He was an active contrib-
utor to C++98, senior editor of the C/C++ Users Journal, and
coauthor of Thinking in C++, Volume 2, with Bruce Eckel. He was also the
founder of The C++ Source and a contributing editor for Better Software Mag-
azine. For more information, visit his website: http://www.chuckallison.com.
“Floating-Point Numbers Aren’t Real,” page 66
Clint Shank
Clint Shank is a software developer, consultant, and mentor at
Sphere of Influence, Inc., a company that leads with design-
driven innovation to make curve-jumping, mouth-watering soft-
ware that’s awesome inside and out. His typical consulting focus
is the design and construction of enterprise applications.
He is particularly interested in agile practices such as continuous integration
and test-driven development; the programming languages Java, Groovy, Ruby,
and Scala; frameworks like Spring and Hibernate; and general design and
application architecture.
He keeps a blog at http://clintshank.javadevelopersjournal.com/ and was a con-
tributor to the book 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know.
“Continuous Learning,” page 36
Dan Bergh johnsson
Dan Bergh Johnsson is senior consultant, partner, and official
spokesperson for Omegapoint AB. He is a domain-driven design
enthusiast and a long-time agile fan, and considers himself as
part of the software craftsman tradition and the “OOPSLA
School” of development. He cofounded the Swedish domain-driven design
group DDD Sverige, contributes at http://domaindrivendesign.org/, and often
delivers presentations at international conferences. He also shares his love of
the craft in his blog, “Dear Junior: Letters to a Junior Programmer,” which can
be found at http://dearjunior.blogspot.com.
“Distinguish Business Exceptions from Technical,” page 42
“Know Your Next Commit,” page 94
chris devlin
(Chris Devlin)