97 Things Every Programmer Should Know

(Chris Devlin) #1

(^222) Index
Sage, Jason P., 206
Shank, Clint, 200
Smith, Steve, 218
Sommerlad, Peter, 213
Spinellis, Diomidis, 201
Stafford, Randy, 214
Stob, Verity, 219
van Laenen, Filip, 203
van Winkel, Jan Christiaan “JC”, 205
Wible, Adrian, 196
Winder, Russel, 216
Zubarev, Yuriy, 220
blaming others, 18–19, 76
performance, 82, 182–183
process, 28
Boy Scout rule, 16–17
Braithwaite, Keith
biography, 208
Read the Humanities, 142–143
Write Small Functions Using
Examples, 188–189
breaking code, 7, 48–49
Bright, Walter
biography, 219
The Linker Is Not a Magical Program,
Brodwall, Johannes
biography, 206
Keep the Build Clean, 84–85
Verbose Logging Will Disturb Your
Sleep, 180–181
Brush, Ryan
biography, 216
Code Is Design, 24–25
The Guru Myth, 72–73
bug tracker, 76–77
automating, 87, 156
breaking, 9
keeping clean, 84–85, 126–127
single binary, 122–123
build scripts, 126–127
bulletin boards, 113
C, 115
declarations, 107
Splint, 159
C#, 42, 54, 67, 70
biographies (continued)
Colborne, Giles, 203
Colvin, Greg, 204
Dahan, Udi, 219
Doar, Matt, 210
Evans, Cal, 199
Feathers, Michael, 210
Ford, Neal, 212
Freeman, Steve, 218
Gagnat, Ann Katrin, 198
Garson, Edward, 202
Goodliffe, Pete, 213
Gregory, Janet, 205
Griffiths, Alan, 196
Guest, Thomas, 218
Hauknes, Gudny, 204
Henney, Kevlin, 208
Hohpe, Gregor, 204
Homer, Paul W., 213
Horstmann, Cay, 199
Hufnagel, Burk, 198
Hunger, Michael, 211
Jackson, Nate, 211
Jagger, Jon, 206
Johnsson, Dan Bergh, 200
Kabutz, Heinz, 205
Karlsson, Mattias, 210
Kelly, Allan, 197
Khan, Aslam, 198
Kimchi, Yechiel, 220
Landre, Einar, 202
Lewis, Mike, 211
Lindner, Daniel, 201
Marquardt, Klaus, 209
Martin, Robert C. (Uncle Bob), 215
Maudal, Olve, 212
Meszaros, Gerard, 203
Meyers, Scott, 217
Miller, Alex, 197
Monson-Haefel, Richard, 214
Mount, Sarah, 216
Nilsson, Niclas, 212
Norås, Anders, 197
North, Dan, 201
Ølmheim, Jørn, 207
Pepperdine, Kirk, 208
Rising, Linda, 209
Robinson, Carroll, 199
Rose, Seb, 217
Røssland, Kari, 207
Saariste, Sam, 216

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