97 Things Every Project Manager Should Know

(Rick Simeone) #1

Contents xxi


You Aren’t Special............................... 18

Don’t Skip Vacations for the Project.................... 38

Provide Regular Time to Focus...................... 40

Project Management Is Problem Management............. 42

Value Results, Not Just Effort........................ 58

Keep Your Perspective............................ 64

We Have Met the Enemy...and He Is Us.................. 70

To Thine Own Self Be True.......................... 74

Build Teams to Run Marathons, Not Sprints. .............. 96

Don’t Fall into the “Not Invented Here” Syndrome. .......... 112

Speed Is Life; More Is Better........................ 116

Building the Morale on Your Team.................... 118

Serve Your Team............................... 122

Important, but Not Urgent......................... 158

Recognize the Value of Team Morale. ................. 166

Don’t Always Be “The Messenger”.................... 172

We Are Project Managers, Not Superheroes.............. 176

You Are Not in Control. .......................... 186

Share the Vision. ............................... 188

True Success Comes with a Supporting Organization. ....... 190

Web Development

Scrolling Through Time............................ 20

Size Matters................................... 28

A Voice from the Other Side......................... 62

Favor the Now Over the Soon....................... 114

The Web Points the Way, for Now.................... 182

9.7 Reasons I Hate Your Website..................... 194

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