97 Things Every Project Manager Should Know

(Rick Simeone) #1

(^222) Index
releases, 60, 154
changing, 124–125
fallacy of perfect knowledge, 95–96
gathering business requirements, 64–65
poorly written, 20–21
simplicity, 16
stories, 44
versus specifications, 34–35
writing, 8–9
responsibilities, deliverables, 92
results over effort, 58–59
rewards versus punishment, 78
rewriting everything, 18–19
Richardson, Jared
biography, 210
Share the Vision, 188–189
You Aren’t Special, 18–19
roadmaps, 100–101
robust, defined, 182
Sam-Bodden, Brian
biography, 210
How Do You Define “Finished”?,
Introduce a More Agile
Communication System, 86–87
Schock-Smith, Angyne J.
biography, 210
We Are Project Managers, Not
Superheroes, 176–177
scope, changing, 148–149
scope statement, 102–103
scripts, 22
Secoske, Matt
biography, 211
Don’t Always Be “The Messenger”,
sequencing tasks, 7
serving the team, 122–123
shared vision, 80–81
sharing information, 188–189
Sheridan, Richard
Add Talents, Not Skills, to Your Team,
biography, 211
Estimate, Estimate, Estimate, 54–55
Increase Communication: Hold
Frequent, Instant Meetings,
Teach the Process, 160–161
silver bullets, 90
Simmel, Derry
biography, 211
The Value of Planning, 170–171
simplicity, 10–11, 16–17
Simsa, Pavel
A Word Can Make You Miss Your
Deadline, 6–7
biography, 212
Developers Hate Status Reports,
Managers Love Them, 184–185
Scope Change Happens; Get Used To
It, 148–149
Sipe, Ken
biography, 212
Empowering Developers: A Man
Named Tim, 44–45
size of project, 28–29
skill versus talent, 14–15
Skomal, Marty
A Voice from the Other Side, 62–63
biography, 212
Skyles, Jeffrey, 126
Sletten, Brian
biography, 212
Pay Your Debts, 12–13
Software Failure Is Organizational
Failure, 60–61
software, purchasing, 150–151
specifications versus requirements, 34–35
“speed is life; more is better” focus, 116–117
sponsors, 152–153
spreadsheets, 90–91
stakeholders, 173
engaging, 168–169
status, fallacy of, 162–163
status reports, 184–185
stories, 44
Subramaniam, Venkat
Avoid Whack-a-Mole Development, 4–5
biography, 213
Value Results, Not Just Effort, 58–59
success, measuring, 36–37
Sullenburger, Chesley, 126–127
supportive organization, 190–191
synchronous communication, 87
Takeya, Miyoko
biography, 213
Make Project Sponsors Write Their
Own Requirements, 8

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