97 Things Every Project Manager Should Know

(Rick Simeone) #1

In ThEoRy, CREATIng A nEW PRoDUCT or introducing a new process is
simple. In reality, those of us who actually do it for a living know that it is
becoming increasingly chaotic.

97 Things Every Project Manager Should Know is a collection of wisdom from
project managers, software developers, and a wide range of other occupation
holders from all around the world who are successful in managing their teams
to success. They have shared what they think are important tips for you to
know, whether you are involved in trying to create the product or manage the
processes of your organization’s projects.

Traditional books teach theory. In this one, people who are actively working in
the field day to day share the best secrets that they have learned or developed
after years on the job. You can find practical suggestions to improve both the
final product and your personal experiences by taming the chaos and guiding
the project to a successful completion.

As I talk to active practitioners, I find that there is a growing trend to involve
software developers, research chemists, construction foremen, and all manner
of other industry-specific technical experts in projects in a more vocal and
active way. Users, and other stakeholders, must also be included in this ever-
more-democratic vocation. While this cooperation is great, it multiplies the
complexity of trying to get the work finished.

Interestingly, when editing this book I have found that regardless of industry,
project role, or worldwide location, those of us who have project responsibili-
ties face the same challenges. And the joy has been that these tip authors from
around the world have been willing to share their ideas to help us master those
challenges. Since they represent not only project managers, but the voices of
those new technical stakeholders in the project, this is your chance to hear
their ideas and concerns before facing similar participants in your workplace.


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