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The idea for 97 Things Every Project Manager Should Know was not conceived
in a vacuum. There are many people who deserve credit for the concept and
its execution.
I would like to thank the series editor, Richard Monson-Haefel, whom I met
while helping to administrate the No Fluff Just Stuff symposiums for Jay
Zimmerman. After finding out about my focus on project management and
software development, he suggested I write a book for his “97 Things” series
called 97 Things Every Project Manager Should Know as a companion piece for
his own book, 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know.
A public wiki was created on the O’Reilly Media website, so that everyone
around the world who wished to participate could be involved. I’m deeply
grateful to those who chose to donate their time and contribute tips to this
O’Reilly deserves credit for listening to this idea with open ears, and backing
what is more or less an untested method of creating a book. O’Reilly also mer-
its praise for agreeing that all content will be open source (Creative Commons,
Attribution 3). The people at O’Reilly I would specifically like to thank include
Mike Loukides, Rachel Monaghan, Ed Stephenson, and Laurel Ackerman.
Without your help and guidance, this project would not have been possible.
O’Reilly is developing other “97 Things” titles. The idea is to create a new and
unique series that leverages the collaborative intelligence and practical experi-
ence of experts in every field. Project management, software development, and
data architecture are just a few of the topics we are already pursuing.