Writing Magazine April 2020

(Joyce) #1
http://www.writers-online.co.uk APRIL 2020^11

10 – 12 July, 2020
University of Winchester, UK

Keynote speaker – Eoin Colfer,
award-winning author of
the Artemis Fowl series

Workshops, talks, and one-to-one
appointments with top literary agents

For emerging writers – from
inspiration to publication

Four writing competitions

Scholarships available

Keynote speaker – Lissa Evans,
bestselling author of
adult and children’s novels



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Serious Self-Publishing

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Whether it be writers’ services companies like Jericho Writers, high street and online retailers, literary agents, even other
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We produce books for authors to their specifications at a realistic price, as print on demand, or as a short or longer print run
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“We've always liked Matador because they have the best values in their industry. Apart from anything else, they actually try to sell books. It sounds
crazy, but most of their rivals don’t. They print ’em, but don’t care about selling ’em. Matador do.” Jericho Writers

Yet publishing a book is the easy part... getting it into the shops is harder. We offer a full sales representation and distribution
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Matador exhibiting at the
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