Writing Magazine April 2020

(Joyce) #1


http://www.writers-online.co.uk APRIL 2020^89

US website
McSweeney’s Internet
Tendency provides
‘Daily humor almost
every day’. Read the
content at the website
and the extensive
guidelines, which are
both informative and
an excellent example of the kind of humour
and writing that they are looking for.
Submit in the body of an email to the
address for each section. Sections include
humorous lists, ‘Reviews of New Food’ and
‘Open Letters to People or Entities Who Are
Unlikely to Respond’. Timely submissions are
welcome for topical news responses.
Keep work to a maximum 1,200 words
but note that shorter pieces are more
readily accepted.
Average response time is ‘7.39 days’.
There is payment for all accepted work, for
first rights.
Website: http://www.mcsweeneys.net

The Squeaky Times is
Australia’s satirical and
humorous ‘Not The
Real News’ website.
Read the content
and guidelines at the website, then submit
‘satirical nonsense’ in the form of fake news
articles, 25-300 words.
The team want humour but not ‘gore,
erotica, political extremism, racism,
homophobia, etc’. Submit a doc or rtf file or
paste into the email body.
Response time is ‘around three weeks’.
Payment is $2.50.
Details: The Squeaky Times, email:
[email protected]; website:

The Forge Literary Magazine is ‘open to
all genres and voices, and stories with
any background, race, ethnicity, gender,
sexual and personal identity from all
over the world’. Each submission is read
anonymously by a rotating cast of editors

with ‘wide-ranging and eclectic tastes’.
Submit fiction and nonfiction, not over 5,000
words and preferably under 3,000. Flash and
micro prose are particularly welcome.
Submit through the website, where there is
a submission fee after the first of each month.
Response time is ‘currently four to eight
months.’ Payment is $60 per piece regardless
of length, ‘for exclusive worldwide English
language rights for a period of three months.’
Website: https://forgelitmag.com

Eternal Haunted Summer is an ezine of
poetry and short fiction about the heroes
and divine entities of the world’s many pagan
traditions. Everything published must have
a pagan focus or otherwise interest its pagan
Issues are themed. Submissions open 1
May-1 June for the summer, ‘Holy Days’
issue, for explorations of holy days, sacred
festivals, and important dates, from Beltane to
Walpurgisnacht, Dia de Muertos to Diwali, in
fiction, poems or essays. Pagan and spiritual
topics are welcome, but not ‘Atlantis, Mu,
UFOs, aliens, or subterranean civilisations’
There is no length limit, but under 5,000
words is preferred. The team are interested in
essays which ‘address the nature of the deities,
the mythologies of the various pantheons,
folklore, ritual, etc’, and stories and poems in
any form or genre, ‘provided the deities and
heroes are treated respectfully’.
Submit one story, up to three reviews, or
up to three poems, per submission period,
as an attached rtf, txt or doc file, by email:
[email protected]
Response time is ‘reasonable’. Payment is $5
per piece for first electronic publishing rights
Website: https://eternalhauntedsummer.com

Malefaction is a
new Edinburgh-
based magazine of
‘genre fiction with a
criminal twist’. Any
genre is acceptable, but all submssions
must feature a crime or be related to
crime in some way, eg stories set in
a courtroom, or featuring a forensic

scientist protagonist, or about a victim.
The team want writers who can ‘explore
the huge potential of crime fiction through
genre blending’, although pure crime stories
are accepted too. Each issue has a theme,
which can be interpreted broadly. Give them
‘characters whose identities and/or cultural/
ethnic backgrounds have historically been
marginalised, erased from, or misrepresented
within crime and genre fiction’ and break the
trope rules. Submit one or two short stories,
no more than 2,000 words or one to three
flash fiction pieces under 750 words. Poetry,
no more than five poems, may be in any style.
Submit a doc or docx by email:
[email protected]
Response time is ‘reasonable’. Payment is
£20/€22 per short story, £15/€17 per flash
fiction; and £10/€11 per poem for the usual
Website: http://www.malefactionmag.com

3:AM Magazine is a US online journal of
radical literature and philosophy. The editorial
team know exactly what they want: there are
clear and specific guidelines at the website.
It publishes literary criticism, fiction, poetry
and ‘interviews with writers, philosophers and
intellectuals’. Fiction and poetry will re-open
in April if they manage to clear the backlog.
Non-fiction subs are open now. Submit
pitches and queries to the relevant editor or
[email protected]
Website: http://www.3ammagazine.com

Whales of Arcadia is a fledgling literary
magazine with an editorial team which
‘appreciates literature, classicism, and art’. It
needs submissions which the writer ‘really
cared about writing’.
Submit no more than five poems,
maximum ten pages, up to 6,000 words
of prose (one short story or three flash
pieces); no genre work for non-fiction avoid
academic style
Submit all work in a single doc or pdf file
through the website, https://whalesofarcaida.
art.blog (sic)
Response time is 2 to 4 months. Payment
and rights are decided on acceptance.



by PDR

new Edinburgh-
based magazine of
‘genre fiction with a
criminal twist’. Any
genre is acceptable, but all submssions
Free download pdf