My Social Book 2022

(Jon and Robyn PatersonIMUeFf) #1

Thursday, September 8, 2022

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Thursday, September 8th, 6:20 PM

We want everyone to know that we are out with all the cats and

dogs, and we are safe. It is times like this that highlights the

greatness and generosity of people - especially animal people. We

will be with a friend who we met through the cats. It’s hard to

believe there is someone who has the capacity to welcome our

whole furry family. Messages will be returned slowly.

Appointments will have to be changed. But all of that is small stuff

that we aren’t sweating. We are safe. Pray for Foresthill. We love

our community. We love our home. We want to return.

Alexa Rodriguez BougieBengalsSending my
thoughts and prayersWhat a blessing to have
a dear friend to go to. Wishing you and your family
comfort during this time♥♥
Denise RodriquezI was worried about you guys
and your furry family. Glad to hear you are safe.
Lori D SakuraI’m glad y’all are safe and
hopefully you’ll get to be home soon! 1
John PedroniGlad to hear sending prayers for
you guys ❤❤
Micaela SuarezPrayers to you and your family/
fur babies!! Thank goodness for friends!
Mantis HillMaisie and I are so relieved to hear
that everyone is safe. Living not all that far from
you we know how scary Fire Season can be. So
sorry that you are experiencing it first hand but
hoping that you'll be able to return home soon. 
Danielle N Jason GrandquisSending thoughts
and prayers thinking of you and all your
Alfonso NoguedaPrayers for the fires to cease
in Jesus name— great to hear you guys and your
cats are safe  1
Cindy FlintGlad you are safe.

Clifford BrooksWe're thinking about you both
and hoping for the best. If there's anything we can
do (other than buying 14 kittens and 2 cats) to
make things a little easier, just ask. You are in out
Faye FigueroaGlad you all are safe! So
Linda DunionI’m so glad you are all safe and
together. Hope you are all back home soon x
Eve Li WellsStay safe!!!
Sherry ForkumSending our prayers. Good to
hear you and the babies are safe for now. ❤
Linda Saine BullardSending love and light stay
Melinda RadusI know how this feels... hope
everything is standing when you return 
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Steve BrantGrateful to those who took you all in!
So many furry lives being protected! God bless
their furry-friendly hearts!
Jenee Van HofwegenIncredible perspective.
Prayers for a safe and untouched return home.
Jeannette Velasco PuddyOh no I didn’t realize
there was a fire over there!!! Hope it’s controlled
K Komson MeetanatharvornPrayers for you...
please stay safe

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Sunday, September 18th, 6:27 AM

Join us next weekend at the LCWW cat

show in San Francisco at the Cow
Palace. Jon and I are scheduled to talk

about Bengal cats at 3:00 pm on both

Saturday and Sunday. If you have been

thinking about getting a Bengal, and
you'd like to learn more about whether

or not they are the right breed for you,

this is an excellent opportunity. To learn

more and to purchase tickets for the
show, please visit -




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