My Social Book 2022

(Jon and Robyn PatersonIMUeFf) #1

Sunday, March 20, 2022

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Sunday, March 20th, 12:23 PM


How does the Bengal compare to other cats in regards to the

prevalence of problematic behavior? Read our latest article to

find out...


on-research-surveys - I realized I just shared this last week, but

in light of the biased information being spread by (I refuse to say

his name and contributed to measured chatter.) a high-profile

cat-person, please take three minutes to read this article which

compares data from two different research studies - one on

Bengal cat behavior and a second one on cat behavior. The study

on cats in general was based mostly on moggies.



Sherry ForkumOur bengals play in the shower, while we are in it, the bathtubs when we put water in
them specifically for them, and of course the water bowls and fountains! Oh yes, and brushing teeth
with an electric toothbrush is like purring to our cats so they get in our business there, too! ❤ us some
Bengals!!! Thank you to Quality Bengal Kittens!

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Thursday, March 3rd, 6:10 AM

Are you wanting to help Ukrainian

cats? With so many places to donate, it

can be hard to determine where your

money will go the farthest. If you

donate here, it will go to the cats, not

non-profit salaries.

Free download pdf