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Confronting Your A nx iety 89

yourself to your fears. Exposure, in many ways, is the exact
opposite of anxious avoidance. Exposure works by slowly
reducing fears associated with a threatening stimulus and
also decreases your anxiety and distress. Over time and with
enough practice, exposure can help improve your relation-
ship to a feared object or situation through mastery of the
experience, in which you deliberately develop a sense of ease
and control over your fear, which leads to increased confi-
dence in your ability to regulate your emotions.
The three main goals of exposure are:

  1. To teach you to accept uncertainty and lack of
    control about the feared object or situation.

  2. To teach you to activate problematic emotions
    and thoughts so that you may challenge them
    upon confronting the feared object or situation.

  3. To teach you to habituate yourself to your physi-
    ological responses to, emotional reactions to, and
    unhelpful beliefs about the feared object or

Exposure can be beneficial for many types of anxiety:
simple phobias, obsessive- compulsive disorder, social
anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disor-
der, agoraphobia, post- traumatic stress disorder, and more.
Although exposure primarily entails behaviorally confront-
ing your anxiety, it also includes confronting related
thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations through a hierar-
chy of events designed to build your tolerance.
To illustrate, imagine that you have a fear of heights, also
known as acrophobia. You first would want to identify the
specific behavior you hope to modify (your behavioral

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