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Making a Habit of Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation 203

yourself yelling angrily at the television when your favorite
football team is losing. Once you have developed some
mastery of these skills, apply them as well as you can to the
moments when you most feel anxious. The skills may not
help the first or even the tenth time you use them, but they
eventually will. The more the skills become incorporated
and ingrained into your ways of feeling, thinking, and
behaving, the greater the benefit to your well- being.

Resources for A nxiety

New Harbinger Publications (https://w w w.newharbinger
.com) has a great many books and self- directed workbooks
on topics such as mindfulness, emotions, and anxiety. The
websites of the Anxiety and Depression Association of
America (http://w w and the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (http://w w
can help you learn about specific anxiety disorders or find
therapists in your area who are experienced in treating
anxiety disorders. (Both of these organizations are based in
the United States, but their websites have information on
international resources.) Additionally, many larger universi-
ties offer reduced- cost or free therapy to community
members. If you live near a university that has a mental
health clinic (often part of the psychology department), we
encourage you to call them to learn about their services.
There are, of course, other ways of locating therapists in
your area, such as a referral from your primary care provider,
and we encourage you to use other resources as well.
A well- known form of psychotherapy for treating anxiety
disorders is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is a

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