
(singke) #1

Making a Habit of Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation 205

If you are interested in learning more about mindfulness
in general or participating in nontherapeutic courses, we
encourage you to research opportunities in your area. An
Internet search for “mindfulness courses” is all but guaran-
teed to find you a wealth of options. There are also a number
of academically oriented mindfulness centers at various uni-
versities around the country. These centers typically offer
reduced- fee or low- cost mindfulness courses, either live (in-
person) or online, for members of their community. There
are also several for- profit businesses that offer mindfulness
courses; although many are reputable, we encourage you to
use good judgment.

Final Thoughts

Congratulations on having read this book! It took us years
of study to bring you the information and ideas it contains. If
there was some part of this book or a single piece of informa-
tion that you enjoyed or found helpful, please track one or
both of us down online to let us know. Similarly, if you found
a particular topic (or even a single paragraph or sentence)
difficult to understand, or if you think we got something
wrong, please also let us know! We are invested in improv-
ing the way we teach people about their anxiety and how to
best manage it using emotion regulation and mindfulness.
W hatever your motive for reading this book, we are glad
that you have chosen to incorporate emotion regulation and
mindfulness into your life. This book is one of many on this
subject, but we think it offers a good start in terms of learn-
ing about your anxiety and how to better approach the

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