
(singke) #1

208 Don’t Let A nxiety Run Your Life

I would also like to thank my parents, Henrietta and Guy
Klemanski, and my sister, Dori Klemanski, all of whom have
been my strongest advocates in life and my biggest support-
ers in my career (my mom even went so far as to cook and
deliver to me dinners when she became concerned about the
long hours I had been putting into writing this book!).
Thank you as well to my many colleagues at Yale who have
had a profound inf luence on my career. Special thanks to the
late Susan Nolen- Hoeksema, PhD; Doug Mennin, PhD;
Alan Kazdin, PhD; Dwain Fehon, PsyD; Seth A xelrod,
PhD; and the many brilliant and special students with whom
I have had the pleasure to work and teach.

Joshua E. Curtiss

Throughout this rewarding and arduous undertaking, I
have appreciated the invaluable assistance of several impor-
tant people. I would like to extend many thanks to my coau-
thor, David Klemanski, whose clinical acumen and brilliant
insights have made this book what it is. I must also acknowl-
edge Stefan Hofmann, PhD, an inspirational colleague and
researcher whose contributions to the science of emotion
regulation and mindfulness proved a valuable source for our
book. Moreover, this accomplishment could not have been
possible without the support of my wonderful parents.
Finally, I am forever grateful to my loving wife, Stephanie
Noble, for her incomparable brilliance, encouragement, and
artistic ingenuity.

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