
(singke) #1

68 Don’t Let A nxiety Run Your Life

certain thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, and so on),
take about a minute to notice any bodily sensations, emo-
tions, or thoughts you are having.

  1. Focus your full attention on the movements and sensa-
    tions associated with your breathing , noticing each time
    you breathe in and out. Do this for about one minute.

  2. A llow your awareness of your breath to grow into aware-
    ness of your entire body. Notice your special orientation,
    your posture, and any sensations that are present. Again, do
    this for about one minute, without judgment or reactivity.

Do this at least twice during the week and preferably in differ-
ent settings (for example, at home and at work).


By practicing these mindfulness exercises, you will hone
your ability to notice your emotions in a nonreactive manner.
Mindfully approaching your emotions can be similar to
mindfully approaching your food, as in practice 2.4. This
nonreactive and nonjudgmental approach enables you to
foster crucial distance from your emotions, as if you are
experiencing them with a sense of novelty and childlike
curiosity. By directing your attention to present- moment
experiences, you can appreciate all the complex facets of
your emotional experience without being weighed down by
turmoil or feeling a need to control your negative thoughts.
It will be important that you continue to develop and prac-
tice these skills in concert with the other techniques we will
present in later chapters. Remember, persistence and
patience while practicing mindfulness will promote inner
peace and tranquility.

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