Simply Knitting - UK (2020-05)

(Antfer) #1

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Welcome a whole host of British birds to your back yard
with our hints on feeding, watering and cleaning


Bird tables and hanging
feeders are healthier than
feeding birds on the ground,
but they need to be moved
every few months to prevent too
many droppings accumulating
underneath. Make sure you
always wash you hands after
touching bird tables and feeders.


Birds require dierent
foods at dierent times –
high fat (ie high energy)
foods in the winter to help them
survive the cold winter nights,
and high protein foods in the
summer, to help them during the
breeding and moulting periods.

tips for attracti

10 birds to your garden


During spring and
summer oer the
following food: black
sunflower seeds, pinhead
oatmeal, soaked sultanas,
raisins, currants, mild grated
cheese, mealworms, waxworms,
mixes for insectivorous birds,
seed mixtures without peanuts.


A cold or wet spring
and summer aects
the insect population,
you can help by oering insect
nibbles for your birds at this time.


The perfect bird table
spot is away from fences
and dense hedges and
next to a small bush, so the birds
can use it as a look-out point.


Birds need clean water
too so oer them a bird
bath near their food.


Birds have trouble with
salt so avoid feeding them
foods like salted peanuts,
salted bacon and crisps.


Household scraps such
as pastry, cooked rice
and breadcrumbs are
enjoyed by many garden birds.
Fruit, especially bruised apples
and pears, will be popular with
thrushes and blackbirds.


Prevent rats and
infection by keeping
your bird table free from
old food and droppings. Clean it
outdoors regularly, using a 5%
disinfectant solution and wearing
rubber gloves, to prevent
bringing any unwanted germs
back into your house.


Once you’ve
established a
feeding routine,
monitor your food amounts
(don’t overfeed) and stick to
regular times, the birds rely on it
and will soonturnuponcue.
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