Simply Knitting - UK (2020-05)

(Antfer) #1

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Start at base.
Cast on 9 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn J.
Row 1 (WS) Purl.
Row 2 (RS) K1, (kfb) 8 times. [17 sts]
Row 3 Purl.
Row 4 K1, (kfb, K1) 8 times. [25 sts]
Row 5 Purl.
Row 6 K1, (kfb, K2) 8 times. [33 sts]

Join bobbins of Yarn J and Yarn B and work as
Row 7 P10J, P14B, P9J.
Row 8 K1J, (kfbJ, K3J) twice, (kfbB, K3B) 3
times, kfbB, K1B, K2J, (kfbJ, K3J) twice. [41 sts]
Row 9 P12J, P18B, P11J.
Row 10 K11J, K18B, K12J.
Row 11 Rep Row 9.

Break Yarn B and join Yarn L.
Row 12 K11J, K18L, K12J.
Row 13 P12J, P18L, P11J.
Rows 14 to 19 Rep Rows 12 to 13 three more
Row 20 K1J, (k2togJ, K3J) twice, (k2togL, K3L)
3 times, k2togL, K1L, K2J, (k2togJ, K3J) twice.
[33 sts]
Row 21 P10J, P14L, P9J.
Cast off in Yarn J and Yarn L as set.

Start at bottom edge and work as intarsia
Cast on 33 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn J
and L as follows: cast on 7 sts in J, 18 sts in L, and
8 sts in J.
Row 1 (WS) P8J, P18L, P7J.
Row 2 (RS) K1J, kfbJ, K5J, k2L, kfbL, K7L, kfbL,
K7L, kfbJ, K7J. [37 sts]
Row 3 P9J, P20L, P8J.
Row 4 K8J, K20L, K9J.

Break Yarn J and join Yarn A.
Row 5 P9A, P20L, P8A.

Row 6 K8A, K20L, K9A.
Rows 7 to 8 Rep Rows 5 to 6.
Row 9 P10A, P18L, P9A.

Break Yarn L and work in Yarn A.
Row 10 Knit.
Rows 11, 13, 15 and 17 Purl.
Row 12 K1, (k2tog, K7) 4 times. [33 sts]
Row 14 K1, (k2tog, K2) 8 times. [25 sts]
Row 16 K1, (k2tog, K1) 8 times. [17 sts]
Row 18 K1, (k2tog) 8 times. [9 sts]
Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight
to fasten.

Cast on and work Rows 1 to 8 in Yarn J and Rows
9 to 20 in Yarn A.

Start at top edge.
Cast on 10 sts using 3.5mm needles and Yarn J.
Row 1 and all foll odd-numbered rows (WS) Purl.
Row 2 (RS) K4, (kfb) twice, K4. [12 sts]
Row 4 K5, (kfb) twice, K5. [14 sts]
Row 6 K6, (kfb) twice, K6. [16 sts]
Row 8 K7, (kfb) twice K7. [18 sts]

The bullfinch’s
colours are
added using
simple intarsia
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