Simply Knitting - UK (2020-05)

(Antfer) #1

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Row 1 (WS)Sl1purlwise,P8.
Row 2 (RS)Sl1purlwise,K8.
Rows3 to 8 RepRows 1 and 2 three more times.
Row 9 RepRow1.
Row 10 Sl1purlwise,(k2tog) 4 times. [5 sts]
Row 11 Sl1purlwise,P4.
Row 12 Sl1purlwise,(k2tog)twice.[3sts]
Breakyarnandthread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Caston 10 stsusing 3.5mm needles and Yarn C.
Row 1 (RS)Knit.
Row 2 (WS)(Kfb) 9 times, K1. [19 sts]
Row 3 Knit.
Row 4 (K1,kfb) 9 times, K1. [28 sts]
Row 5 Knit.
Row 6 (K2,kfb)9 times, K1. [37 sts]
Rows7 to 13 Knit.
Row 14 K6, (ssk, K2) 3 times, K1, (K2, k2tog) 3 times, K6. [31 sts]

BreakYarnCand join Yarn A.
Row 15 Knit.
Row 16 Purl.
Row 17 K3,(ssk,K1)4 times,K1,(K1,k2tog)4 times,K3.[23 sts]
Rows 18 to 20 Startingona WSpurlrowwork in st st.
Row 21 K2,(k2tog, K1) 7 times. [16 sts]
Row 22 Purl.
Row 23 (K2tog)8 times.[8sts]
Breakyarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Caston8 stsusing3.5mm needles and Yarn C.
Row 1 (WS)Knit.
Row 2 (RS)(Kfb) 7 times, K1. [15 sts]
Row 3 Knit.
Row 4 K1,(kfb,K1)7 times. [22 sts]
Rows 5 to 17 Knit.

Row 18 K1,(k2tog) 10 times, K1. [12 sts]
Row 19 Knit.

Caston5 stsusing3.5mmneedles and Yarn A.
Row 1 (WS)Sl1purlwise,P4.
Row 2 (RS)Sl1purlwise,K4.
Rows3 to 4 RepRows 1 to 2.
Row 5 RepRow1.
Row 6 Sl1purlwise,(k2tog)twice.[3sts]
Breakyarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Caston 10 stsusing 3.5mm needles and Yarn G.
Row 1 (WS)Purl.
Row 2 (RS)(Kfb) 9 times, K1. [19 sts]
Row 3 Purl.
Row 4 (K1,kfb) 9 times, K1. [28 sts]
Row 5 Purl.
Row 6 (K2,kfb)9 times,K1.[37sts]
Rows7 to 11 Startingona WSpurlrowworkinstst.
Row 12 K1,(K2,ssk) 4 times, K3, (k2tog, K2) 4 times, K1. [29 sts]
Row 13 Purl.
Row 14 K1,(K1,ssk)4 times,K3,(k2tog,K1)4 times,K1.[21 sts]
Rows 15 to 18 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st.
Row 19 Knit.
Row 20 (K1,k2tog) 6 times, k2tog, K1. [14 sts]
Row 21 Knit.
Row 22 (K2tog)7 times.[7sts]
Breakyarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Caston8 stsusing3.5mm needles and Yarn G.
Row 1 (WS) Purl.


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