- Avengers: Infinity War Part Two
Anthony Russo, Joe Russo
Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson,
Chris Hemsworth
Release date
29 April 2019
At the time of writing, we’ve been in a holding pattern waiting for the Avengers trailer to drop for what feels like a lifetime, waiting for any hint of what’s to
come. So, rather than wildly speculate, here’s what we want to see post-snap...
- Spider-Man:
Far From Home
Director: Jon Watts
Cast: Tom Holland, Jake Gyllenhaal, Zendaya
Release: 5 July 2019
The secrecy surrounding Spidey’s
sophomore outing is understandable given
where we last saw him (oh God, just thinking
about it... moving on) but we do know that
it’ll pick up just a few minutes after the end of
Avengers and that Tom Holland’s Peter Parker
will be thwipping around Europe with Ned, MJ
and company on their summer vacation. There,
they’ll run into Jake Gyllenhaal’s Quentin
Beck/Mysterio (well, probably, Marvel still
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hasn’t confirmed that’s who he’s playing).
The idea of an on-the-road-style superhero
movie is appealing and could help to bring
something new to the MCU visual palette
(we all love New York but, you know, there
are other places), and we’re also thrilled that
Michael Keaton is returning as Adrian Toomes.
It remains to be seen just how big a role he’ll be
playing, and if there’s any truth to the myriad
rumours about other villains popping up (we’re
a little sceptical given how many times Spidey
movies have fallen prey to the “too many bad
guys” problem) and we might have to wait
until after Infinity War 2 is released to find out
what the score is. Hey, Gyllenhaal and Keaton
feels like enough. © Georges Biard
the things that can be easy to lose
sight of given the rolling nature of the
MCU and their love of the post-credit
goodness is the importance of an
ending. While it remains to be seen
how many, if any, of the Marvel
heroes actually meet their deaths, I’d
like there to be a feeling that this is,
as advertised, the end of an era, to
have the sense of a chapter closed.
War brought together all of the
elements audiences have come to
love and expect from the MCU in
an explosive finale. I don’t want Part
Two to conclude everything nice and
neatly but to mix things up and turn
what we have come to expect on its
head with a sense of a fresh, new
beginning and a brand-new new era
of the MCU.
want from Avengers 4 is a solid
conclusion that isn’t 80 percent
battle sequence. I know battle
sequences are important and are
the foundation superhero movies are
built upon, but there are only
so many times I can watch Tony
Stark blast someone in the chest,
and that quota was reached with
Iron Man 2.
in Infinity War were sky-high – until
Thanos clicked his fingers that is.
By killing major new characters
such as Spider-Man and Black
Panther, we knew they were
actually safe. I would like to see
Part Two add a real sense of peril
and emotional weight, with death
feeling real, permanent, and
horrifyingly likely.
How will Infinity
War play into
Peter’s journey in
Far From Home?