
(coco) #1
Best multiple, twin or

tandem pus

10 | motherandbaby.co.uk

Mamas and Papas
Armadillo Twin
£449, mamasandpapas.com


‘ St ylish , stu rdy, a nd comf y for babies a nd
to ddlers. The seats are well padded, andthe
material is easily cleaned. It fits effortlesslyin
my ca r boot a nd could be wheeled straight
on to a bu s. It’s ea sy to fold with one ha nd ,
a nd isn’ t too heav y.’

Silver Cross Coast
£950, silvercrossbaby.com
‘This pushchair is really stylish and comes
equipped with all the modern features.
The recline positions for both baby’s
body and feet are effortless, and adjust
by the pull of a small handle at the
rear of the seat. The material is super-
soft a nd padded , a nd my daughter
was so cosy. This is by far the most
comfor table , st ylish a nd ea siest-to - u se
pu shchair I ’ve tried .’


‘I prefer my children to sit side by side, so this
is ideal. It comes with two padded seat
liners , raincovers a nd a bu m per ba r, so you
only need to buy a ca rr ycot , should you wish
to use one. You can get much more than
you’d expect in the storage, and
it fits through most doors.’

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