
(coco) #1
motherandbaby.co.uk | April 2020 | 43

When to
start tummy time
‘You can start tummy time at any age and
your baby will feel the benefits,’ says Clare.
‘But, if you can, it’s great to get going when
your baby is a newborn. The earlier your
baby gets to practise moving in this position,
the earlier he’ll get the developmental boost.’
The best time of day to get down on the floor
is when your baby has just woken up from a nap,
or after he’s had his nappy changed. Avoid
doing it when he’s tired or hungry, as that
will just make him tetchy. And don’t
do it straight after a feed (no one
likes squishing their tummy
when it’s full!).

‘The aim is to start
giving your baby, over the
course of the day, at least 20
minutes of tummy time,’ says Clare.
‘We’re not talking all in one go – rather
30 seconds here, a minute there. It all adds
up!’ As your baby gets more comfortable on
his stomach, try to work up to having an hour
of tummy time – divided into short bursts –
every day. This gradual increase should
take about three months. But, don’t be
surprised, especially at the beginning, if
your baby is fussy about tummy time.
‘It is an odd feeling, the first time
a baby is placed on his
tum,’ says Clare.

‘Try lying down
on your stomach and
you’ll see how different your
body feels in that position. The
best way to get your baby used to
it is to stay relaxed and to go at his
speed. If he’s uncomfortable, pick
him up or put him on his back and try
again later. Think little and often.’
But most babies just need to get
into the groove of hanging out
on their tums. Read on for
ways to help him...
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