
(coco) #1
motherandbaby.co.uk | April 2020 | 49


Hey diddle,

Giveyourbabya tummy-timepuppet
showby decoratingyourhandswith
fingerpuppets.They candance asyou
sing.They can‘talk’toyourbaby.
And,if you’refeelingextra-
canactouta fairy

three months

Story time!
‘By three months your baby has much
more head control,’ says Clare. ‘If he’s been
doing tummy time since he was a newborn
he’ll be able to lift his head steadily. That
means you can lie next to him, put a picture
book in front of you both, and read the
story. You’re focusing his attention on
the pictures, while he enjoys the
sound of your voice. Tummy
time will whizz by in
a flash!’

four months

Bubble up!
‘Now’s the time when babies who have
been doing tummy time from the
newborn stage might start propping
themselves on their forearms and
reaching for toys,’ says Clare. ‘So, crack
out the bubbles. Lie next to your
baby and gently blow bubbles up
past him, towards the ceiling.
He’ll be mesmerised!’


Th e magic

carpet ride
‘Spreadouta blanketona smoothsurface
andputyourbaby,onhistummy, inits
centre,’ says Clare. ‘Grab the front corners
of the blanket and slowly move backwards,
so it “rides” over the ground. Take it slow
at first and chat to your baby, so he
doesn’t get worried. As he gets
older and steadier, you can
speed up!’

four months

The flying snowman
‘Lie on your back with your legs bent and your
feet on the ground,’ says Clare. ‘Place your baby
against your shins, tummy down, and hold him
securely under his arms. Now gently raise your legs
until they’re horizontal and your baby is in the air, facing
you.’ Move your legs in any way that feels comfortable
for you and secure for your baby, as you warble the
lyrics to We’re Walking in the Air. ‘And when your
baby’s had enough – or you’re tired – straighten
your legs and help him to swoosh onto your
tummy for a cuddle,’ says Clare.
Note: Don’t do this if you have low core
strength or abdominal separation
following birth.

three months

The World


Lie down, facing your baby, and put a
baby-safe mirror between you so you can
both see the reflection. Try to make
your baby laugh by pulling your
funniest faces. Eyebrows up,
tongue out, eyes wide!
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