50 | April 2020 | motherandbaby.co.uk
five months
Feel the fabric
Babies love exploring different
te xtures, so create a DIY fabric
book, just for tummy time.Glue
large swatches of different
materials onto pieces of backing
felt and sew them into a ‘book’.
Your baby will love reaching
out to rub the silk or wool
or corduroy pages.
five months
Loo-roll magic!
Stuff a light scarf into the inner tube
of a loo roll and place it in front of
your baby. See if he can figure out
how to get the scarf out – and
watch his amazement as the
fabric grows, and grows,
and grows!
six months
Create the
tummy-time compass
Babies who have spent time on their tum since
they were newborns will be tummy-time pros
by now, able to raise their heads and chest with
ease, and pivot their body to reach objects. So,
make the most of their skills by setting up a
tummy-time compass. Imagine there’s a circle
on the floor. Your baby will lie in the centre.
Now place a different toy to the north,
south, east and west. Your baby can
rotate to get the ones he
wants to play with.
five months
Picture this
‘Get a cardboard box and stick
pictures of different babies on each
side,’ says Clare. ‘Then, put the box
in front of him while he’s doing
tummy time. Rotate it, or let him
rotate it himself, to discover
the babies beaming
back at him!’
l ves
With bright colours,
flaps to lift and textures to
explore, this book will have
him gripped at tummy time!
Baby’s Very First Touchy-
Feely, Lift-the-Flap,
Play Book, £8.99,