
(coco) #1

88 | April 2020 | motherandbaby.co.uk

experiencedthesethingstimesbeforeorif this
is your first rodeo, they can be unpredictable
and disruptive, and leave you feeling helpless.
But the good news is, this is completely
normal, and every mum can relate. However
tough a day you are having, focus on whatyou
give your baby every day without fail; a warm,
safe environment, food and, most importantly,
unconditional love. You might naturally bea
confident person, or you might have neverhad
this quality. Your confidence might stem from
compliments, a drama-free day with your baby,
or how successful you perceive yourself to be.
Whatever your story, motherhood can be the
biggest test for us all. It’s complex, messy and
demanding, but also the most rewarding
adventure you’ll ever go on. So, when your
baby next shares her gorgeous gummy smile
with you, remember that she will always have
the upmost confidence in you, Mama. And
what more could you want than that?

We’ve all felt judged in some
way or other as a parent,
but it’s worth remembering
how easy it can be to be
affected by what you think
people are thinking about
you. ‘I work on my phone a
lot and I’m also with my kids
a lot,’ says Anna. ‘Someone
might look at me funny, but
they have no idea what I’m
doing. I could be adding
something to a shopping list
or replying to a message
from an upset family member.
But the more value we apply

to the opinion of other
people, the more we are
damaging our sense of self.
If we’re working on our own
confidence and who we are,
the opinions of others are
going to matter less. Because
while one person might see
me on my phone with my kids
and think, “That mum doesn’t
care about her kids. What’s
she doing on her phone?”
another might think, “Oh
look at that mum, she’s
juggling life brilliantly.” It’s
so subjective.’

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