
(coco) #1

Millennials have long
been mocked for being
narcissistic, entitled
and lazy. As if those
labels aren’t enough,
they struggle with a real
problem: being unhappy
(single) workhorses.
More in their mid
to late 20s have been
putting their careers
before marriage, as
population censuses
of 2018 and 2015 have
shown. Millennials
live in an increasingly
competitive economy.
A bachelor’s degree
is no longer enough.
Master’s degrees
and postgraduate
certifications have
become the norm.
I know how it’s like for
my younger peers under
20 – the age group that
forms the biggest bulk

We assume that the young and carefree are thehappiest,
but it’s not always the case. By Cheong Wen Xuan, 23

of unhappy folks at
31 per cent, who rate
wealth as top priority –
while those like myself,
who’re between 21
and 30 years old, are
scowling behind in
second place at 13.2
per cent in Her World’s
Happiness Survey 2019.
Then, as a university
student, I spent more
afternoons with my
tutors than socialising.
I was a member of the
lonely, paper-chasing,
pre-career adult club.
Now, as the oldest
millennials turn
40, thus qualifying
for Eldershield, the
youngest of the lot at 23
will soon make way for
Gen Z in the workforce.
As goal-oriented
Singaporeans, some
things never change.

We’ll continue to
conquer one thing after
another in the form of
acronyms we’ve grown
so familiar with even
before we hit puberty,
from PSLE, GCE O
Levels, GCE A Levels,
DIP to BA... The list
goes on.
Even as I hurdled my
way towards becoming
a working adult, a
dreamy property ad
depicting a happy family
triggers three letters in
my mind – BTO (built-
to-order) flat.
Will I be rich enough
to afford one at 35, in
case I wind up single
and miserable?
Okay, maybe not
rich, but with enough
in the bank to put a
down payment that’s
equivalent to years’

As it is, a
large number of
20-somethings are
dependants living
with their Gen X and
Baby Boomer ”pa”
and ”ma”. It’s hard
not to feel envious
scrolling through your
Instagram feed and
seeing young newly-
weds posing happily
in their (own) homes.
This makes us – the
singletons – feel as
if we’ve lost a big
chunk in the game of
And the pursuit of
higher education – get

brokefirst to get rich
later– is out of the
question for some.
While singlehood
seems to disrupt the
plan of what’s next,
life isn’t all about
that, and romance
isn’t the only shape
that love takes. Don’t
compare. Think
friends, family, self-
love and more.
But if being self-
partnered is the root
of our unhappiness,
step out and live up
to our digitally savvy
rep to scroll, swipe
and tap to find love

  • and expand our
    social circle.



Freedom gives us options
For some, happiness isn’t always about getting richer.
The fi nancially comfortable lot of 8.7 per cent who make over
$10,000 do not feel the need to bump up their wealth to be
It comes as no surprise that we hit a higher index for
happiness as our coff ers grow: Those who earn more than
$10,000 a month are the happiest lot (66.7 per cent), followed
by those making between $5,000 and $10,000 a month.
While the almighty dollar can’t buy happiness, it gives
us the freedom and options to make decisions where money
isn’t the only deciding factor. That freedom aff ords us guilty
pleasures such as holidays. For instance, 84 per cent of
respondents who earn over $10,000 a month splash out on
annual vacations (spending at least $5,000 a year), while 55
per cent who make up to $5,000 a month spend within their
income bracket on annual trips. Career and leisure are the
main focus for young women in the 21-30 age group.
Senior sales manager Susan Leng, 29, says: “I work hard to
save for two week-long holidays a year. I feel more refreshed
and happier after that.” Even though she clocks 50 hours
a week, she says she’s happy at work – like 41.8 per cent of
respondents – while 31.6 per cent are “neutral” or seemingly
contented in their careers.
Many also invest in their professional development to
scale the ladder in a competitive economy like Singapore’s.

Last year, more than half of the respondents upgraded their
skills or learnt something new.

Good relationships make us happier
Meaningful relationships are the greatest indicators of
happiness, perhaps more than money and career. Women
who are married are the happiest lot, forming 57.5 per cent of
When it comes to family, mummies are truly a blissful
set. Interestingly, 66.7 per cent with three to four children
found life to be most meaningful, compared to those with up
to two children or more than fi ve children.
As mother-of-three Meredith Chu, 39, an admin
manager, puts it: “My kids ‘complete’ me. Their laughter or a
hug makes a bad day good, and they give me a deeper sense of
meaning and purpose in life.”

People to count on
And when the going gets tough, our “troops” play a
signifi cant part in our well-being. That is, having a friend
or family member whom you can confi de in, providing
moral support.
While six per cent of respondents say they have no
support network, 41 per cent have more than four friends
whom they can turn to for help fi rst before approaching their
siblings and parents, in diffi cult times.



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