Iraq after the Muslim Conquest - Michael G. Morony

(Ann) #1

(d. 721-22). His grandson, Bilal ibn Abi Burda, was both amir and
qag.f of Basra in the early eighth century.22 Salman ibn Rabi'a al-Bahili:
(d. bet. 650 and 655) is supposed to have been qaq,f at Mada'in and
then at Kufa and received a stipend of five hundred dirhams per month
from 'Umar.23 Abu Qurra al-Kindi is supposed to have been qiitjl at
Kufa in 637 and 638.^24 In 639 'Umar appointed Shurayl). ibn al-I:Jarith
qatjl of Kufa with a stipend of one hundred dirhams per month.
Shurayl). is said to have been qag.f at Kufa for seventy-five years (except
for three years during the second (itna), but no mention is made of
him in the account describing how, when Salman ibn Rabi'a was
dismissed in 642, 'Umar appointed Ziyad ibn Han~ala as interim qag.f
at Kufa until the arrival of 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud from Hims. All the
same, Shurayl). is supposed to have been qiig.f of Kufa in 642 and

The early situation at Basra is also uncertain. AI-Aswad ibn Sari'
of the tribe of T amim is supposed to have been the first to judge cases
in the masjid constructed of reeds, which he built there in 635.^26 Abu
Maryam al-I:Janafi, who succeeded 'Imran ibn al-I:Ju~ayn as qag.f in
638, is interesting because he had been a follower of Musaylima in
. the Yamama, had repented afterwards, and then migrated to Ba~ra.27
Ka'b ibn Sur (d. 657) of the tribe of Azd and a convert from Chris-
tianity was sent by 'Umar as qatjl for the people of Basra in 639 and
is mentioned as its qag.f in 644.^28 'Amira ibn Yathribi of the Banu
Dabba is also considered to have been an early qag.f at Basra, either
before or after Ka'b.^29
The official status of most, if not all, of these qatjls is doubtful.
Some of them may have been judges for their tribes or were engaged

22 Ibn Khallikan, Biographical Dictionary, II, 2; lbn Rustah, A'laq, p. 227; Tabari,
Ta'rlkh, II, 1039, 1047, 1063; Tha'alibi, Lata'if, p. 67; Tyan, Organisation judiciaire,
pp. 23, 25.
23Ibn Rustah, A'laq, p. 195; lbn Sa'd, Tabaqat, VI, 90; Tyan, Organisation judi-
ciaire, pp. 23,25.
24lbn Rustah, A'laq, p. 195; Tabari, Ta'rlkh, I, 2426,2481,2570; Tyan, Organi-
sation judiciaire, p. 76.
25 Ibn Khallikan, Biographical Dictionary, I, 620; Tabari, Ta'rlkh, I, 2578, 26-37,
2647, 2798; Tha'alibi, Lata'if, p. 140; Tyan, Organisation judiciaire, p. 75.
26 Baladuri, Futii~, p. 346.
27 Ibn Sa'd, Tabaqat, VI(l), 64; Tabari, Ta'rlkh, I, 2570.
28 Ibn Rustah, A'laq, p. 195; Ibn Sa'd, Tabaqat, VII(l), 65; Tabari, Ta'rlkh, I, 2578,
29 Ibn Sa'd, Tabaqat, VII(l), 108; Tabari, Ta'rlkh, I, 3212, 3448.
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